Category Archives: CCIE Coaching

More CBT Nugget CCIE R&S Classes Completing!

CBT Nuggets is thrilled to announce that more of the 6 part CCIE R&S All-In-One classes will be wrapping up soon.

All remaining videos for Cisco CCIE RS v5 All-In-One: 4.0 VPN Technologies will be submitted this week, and published by next week (5/25/2015).

All remaining videos for Cisco CCIE RS v5 All-In-One: 3.0 Layer 3 Technologies will be submitted the week of 6/1/2015 and will be published shortly thereafter.

This is over 100 videos of CCIE R&S v5 goodness. If you have not tried our videos yet, now might just be a great time for a seven day free trial!

Parts 5 and 6 will start in June, and we will do our best to complete them in that month as well. Peace, love, and Nuggets!


Need a Study Break – TAKE IT!

No matter what certification exam you are working towards, it is going to happen. At some point, you are just going to need a break from the studies. Even if you don’t feel like you absolutely require one, perhaps life events will dictate you put down the Terminal Emulator and relax a bit.

Personally, I have just experienced this in my pursuit of the CCIE Security. First, my instructor, Rohit Pardasani came to Tampa for a visit, then my employer, CBT Nuggets, hosted the trainers for a week of fun in Eugene, Oregon.

The key, and I really had to work on this, is to not let this break stress you out! It is very easy to start feeling anxious about your exam when you are forced to take a break. Fight this urge. Remember, we need to keep stress at bay as we prepare. We cannot risk anxiety creeping in as this will only make it more difficult for us to master the material we need to study.

Revel in the fact that your study break has recharged your study batteries and jolted your passion for practice at the Command Line!

I thought I would share a few priceless moments of my recent study breaks – I hope you enjoy the shots. Let me know how your pursuit is progressing in the comments area below!

Rohit and the Sequeira Family
Rohit and the Sequeira Family
Rohit cruising the Gulf of Mexico
Rohit cruising the Gulf of Mexico
The brand new CBT Nugget HQ!