Category Archives: CCIE Coaching

Need a Coach for Your CCIE Pursuit?

I have found the power of coaching to be incredible. In the last three years, I have achieved great success at work, in my studies, and with physical fitness through the power of excellent coaching.


Tennis coach – check!

Running coach – check!

CBT Nugget coach – check!

CCIE Security coach – check!

Martial arts, personal firearms, physical fitness coach – check!

Flight coach – check!

I would love to give back. If you are studying for any CCIE track, let me try and help with the new CCIE Coaching section of this website. Interact with me through the comments section of each post!

Today’s assignment – Please introduce yourself in the public comments below and update me with where you are at today with your CCIE pursuit. Don’t forget to let me know details like track and current progress (written/lab). Also, don’t be embarrassed if you are at the CCNA level or even pre-CCNA, we all need to start somewhere! I look forward to meeting you and helping in any way I can!