Here is a sample quiz using sample questions from my latest book – Mastering the CCIE Evolving Technologies Section. Have fun and good luck!
Category Archives: CCIE Coaching
My Next Book! Mastering the CCIE Evolving Technologies Section
You asked for it! You got it! Terry Vinson and I are putting together an e-book (and print) for you to master this section in most of the CCIE Written Exams. I have received more questions about this section of the written exams than any other topic (pretty much ever!)
Since Cisco Systems announced these new additions to the already brutally difficult written exams, students have been in a bit of a panic about finding the scarce training materials to address these topics.
Our text follows the current blueprint letter for letter. There are plenty of practice questions to build your confidence, and no topic is left unexplored.
Thanks to, we are able to bring this product to you for a price that makes sense – the e-book version will be just $9.99!
Note this text arrives quickly – our current publication date is May 31, 2017!