Category Archives: VIRL

August 2015 Brings a New VIRL


I am always so excited for the next VIRL version and the new Operating System images that it brings. Who wouldn’t be? New features in the core product, and new features in the devices that it emulates.

Here is a recap of the new release:

  • New IOS and IOS Layer 2 images bring less CPU consumption
  • The new IOS Layer 2 includes some swell new features including:
    • VLAN Access Maps (VACLs)
    • ACL functionality for both layer2 and layer3 protocol packets
    • Dynamic Trunking Protocol support
    • Switchport protected mode
  • A new NX-OSv image with fun new functionality
  • GNS3 File Import and Export
  • VRF Lite used on the management network to prevent route leaking and other issues
  • Live Visualization enhancements
  • The User Workspace Manager get many new features including system configuration, system status, and the ability to import topologies from GitHub automatically
  • Your VIRL version is now
  • Your new VM Maestro version is

I was delighted to find the in place upgrade went smoothly as described. Of course new OVAs and ISO options are available for those subscribers that need them.

My Notes from the July VIRL Webinar

0vZK6nnG_400x400The July VIRL webinar did three main things for us.

1 – It gave us a detailed look at how you can bring third party Virtual Machines into the product.

2 – It provided release date and detailed information about the latest upcoming release.

3 – It gave us a sneak peek at upcoming features that WILL NOT make the next release.

If my notes should excite you for viewing this Webinar, or sections of it, it will be posted soon to the VIRL YouTube channel found here –

Third Party VMs

Did you know that you can get non-Cisco VMs functioning in VIRL? Sure – things like Arista Alcatel, Palo Alto – etc! There are currently about 12 to 13 different non-Cisco VMs functioning out there and there certainly will be more on the way.

The Upcoming Release

The new release of VIRL is just two weeks away or so. Some of the exciting new features for us:

  • New images with new features in them! Also the new IOS and IOvL2 images are improved upon to reduce the CPU load they using them will cause. The most exciting new image release sounds like it will be the NX-OS. This next image will be much more “full featured” it sounds like.
  • New features will be available in the product including a simple interface for importing topologies from GitHub, a new simulation launch interface, and the ability to import or export to or from GNS3.

Future Versions

For me, the most exciting thing about the future versions we will see of Cisco VIRL is the new interface enhancements. The product will feature an “Active Canvas” that allows you to see what is happening with your simulation, and control the simulation, from the same canvas that you were using to create the simulation in the first place. This will make for a much more intuitive and useful view of the product.