Enjoy this Nugget from the latest course here at CBT Nuggets! This Nugget attacks the subject of modularity when you are designing a modern network. This Nugget sets up the next CCDA Nugget in the course which is entitled Applying Modularity.
Modular network designs provide great enhancements when it comes to simplicity, ease of troubleshooting, and ease of understanding. This is hugely important, especially since networking today is more complex than ever. So anything we can do to make the network and its functions easier to understand, sounds like a great idea to me!
As you will see in this Nugget, Cisco proposes a nice Enterprise Design idea. It consists of four major areas – the Campus, the edge, the service provider and the remote module. What is really powerful is the fact that you can then divide these major sections into more detailed and modular sub sections. For example, the campus can be broken down into an access layer module, a distribution layer, and a core layer. Many networks today also feature a data center as part of this major network segment.
The CCDA Nugget:
Quick CCDA Nugget Review:
1. What does MTTR mean in computer networking?

Hello! i want ask u about this video
Cisco CCIE RS v5 All-In-One: 1.0 Network Principles
Bonus Tip Nugget: Core vs Noncore (8 min)
can i know how many pts in every question on lab exam ?
Lab tasks vary in point content! For example, in the config section, each task will tend to vary between 2 and 4 points each! There is no partial credit for a configuration task.