Tag Archives: Amazon Web Services

AWS Computing at Scale and Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Here is the continuation of my notes from the Keynote addresses at the 2017 AWS Re: Invent conference. Enjoy!

Computing at Scale

  • Growth in EC2 has been HUGE when you look at the increase in cores running in AWS
  • But GPU and FPGA core growth rates have crushed that! It has been exponential growth

Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning always seems to come up about every 5 years – then fades away again
  • This time it is “sticking” thanks in large part to the scale that the cloud offers
  • Examples:
    • Tu Simple with autonomous transport (trucking industry)
    • Matrix Analytics with tumor recognition for cancer screening
    • Clemson University and natural language learning – in the span of two hours, they had 1.1 million cores running on AWS!
  • There are three big drivers of the explosion in this technology:
    • HW acceleration capabilities thanks to technology from the likes of Nvidia (P3.16XLARGE instances)
    • Improvements in the Machine Learning frameworks
    • A rapidly growing community
      • GLUON
      • ONNX
      • NNVM and TVM

AWS Offers Certified Developer – Associate Beta Exam

Certified Developer

This beta exam validates a candidate’s understanding of core AWS services, uses, and basic AWS architecture best practices. It also validates proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications using AWS.

  • Price: 75 USD
  • First exam delivery: February 19, 2018
  • Last exam delivery: March 16, 2018

If you want a crack at the beta exam – get registered here: https://www.aws.training/certification

Here is the beta exam blueprint. We can certainly expect this is what the new final exam blueprint will look like if we want to track our studies to that upcoming exam:

Content Area 1: Deployment

Topic 1.1 Deploy written code in AWS using existing CI/CD pipelines, processes, and patterns.
Topic 1.2 Deploy applications using Elastic Beanstalk.
Topic 1.3 Prepare the application deployment package to be deployed to AWS.
Topic 1.4 Deploy serverless applications.

Content Area 2: Security

Topic 2.1 Make authenticated calls to AWS services.
Topic 2.2 Implement encryption using AWS services.
Topic 2.3 Implement application authentication and authorization.

Content Area 3: Development with AWS Services

Topic 3.1 Write code for serverless applications.
Topic 3.2 Translate functional requirements into application design.
Topic 3.3 Implement application design into application code.
Topic 3.4 Write code that interacts with AWS services by using APIs, SDKs, and AWS CLI.

Content Area 4: Refactoring

Topic 4.1 Optimize application to best use AWS services and features.
Topic 4.2 Migrate existing application code to run on AWS.

Content Area 5: Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Topic 5.1 Write code that can be monitored.
Topic 5.2 Perform root cause analysis on faults found in testing or production.