Tag Archives: Amazon Web Services

AWS Solutions Architect – CORS


A topic that could come up in your Solutions Architect exams that is easy to overlook is CORS. This stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It is a way that you can have your client web applications that exist in one domain (for example, website.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com) to access resources in a different domain (website.s3.amazonaws.com). This feature ties directly to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service).

As you might guess, you can enable CORS support using the Management Console, the CLI, or your SDKs.

What would be some sample use cases?

  • You have JavaScript calls on web pages from an S3 bucket that need to access an API endpoint with a different domain name
  • You are hosting a Web site in your S3 bucket that includes web fonts; CORS is required by client browsers in this case

To configure your bucket to allow cross-origin requests you create a CORS configuration that is an XML document. The XML document contains rules that identify the origins that you will allow to access your bucket, the operations (HTTP methods) will support for each origin, and other operation-specific information

You can add up to 100 rules to the configuration.

New Course Coming! AWS Solutions Architect – Networking Services


I have a new CBT Nuggets course wrapping up this week that is super exciting for those interested in AWS (especially certification). It is the AWS Solutions Architect – Networking Services course and it sits along with the already completed Compute and Storage Services courses. This networking course is so important because it features content found in all the major Associate Level AWS certifications! Here is the current list of Nuggets that the course will feature. I look forward to your comments below!

  1. Course Introduction
  2. What is a VPC?
  3. Meet the Default VPC
  4. Creating a Custom VPC
  5. Testing a Custom VPC
  6. Stateful Security Groups
  7. Working with Private Subnets
  8. NAT in AWS
  9. Network ACLs
  10. Components of the Global Infrastructure
  11. Route 53
  12. CloudFront
  13. VPNs
  14. Direct Connect
  15. Web Application Firewall
  16. Directory Services
  17. Disaster Recovery