Tag Archives: Border Gateway Protocol

The Next BGP Module Arrives at CBT Nuggets


For those of you waiting for more great BGP content at CBT Nuggets, the wait is over.

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) – Peerings is now live and available on CBT Nuggets.

This is a great follow up to the previously published module:

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) – Basic Operations

BGP – Peerings features the following Nuggets:

  1. eBGP Peerings
  2. Cisco eBGP Peering Example
  3. Juniper eBGP Peering Example
  4. iBGP Peerings
  5. Cisco iBGP Peering Example
  6. Juniper iBGP Peering Example
  7. eBGP Multihop
  8. Using BGP Authentication
  9. Misc. Neighbor Options

The next BGP module is in development and is titled Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) – Advertising NLRI.