Tag Archives: cbt

CBT Nuggets Subscriber? Use the Community!

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Are you a CBT Nuggets subscriber studying hard in one of our many classes? Join our Community on Google+ and join in on the discussions and hangouts happening every day.

Have a study question? Confused about a winning study strategy? Ask away in one of our forums and get an answer nearly instantaneously from the many students and instructors standing by!

These forums are intensely moderated and exclusive to our members, so you can always be confident in responses and you are never harassed or belittled.

To join the community, ensure your CBT Nuggets subscription is up to date and email – community@cbtnuggets.com in order to be admitted to this exclusive club.

Specific areas of the community include:

  • General Discussion
  • Cisco
  • Microsoft
  • CompTIA
  • Linux
  • Security
  • ISC2
  • DevOps
  • AWS
  • VMware
  • Citrix
  • ITIL
  • Fun and Random
  • Outside the Wire

Join today! Email – community@cbtnuggets.com
Pearson Education (InformIT)

Watching CBT Nuggets on your Computer – Pop Out your Player!

That’s right, here at CBT Nuggets we have implemented a new feature that is killer, and you might just have missed it. You can now Pop Out the Nugget player. This allows you to do whatever you like with that new window. Maximize it, send it to another monitor, make it really small – whatever!

Here is how it works, just hover your mouse over the Nugget to see the controls and then click the Video Size icon in the far right corner.

Screenshot 2015-11-17 23.15.23

When the options appear – click Popout. Boom! Your Nugget Player is in its own window.

I love to use this feature to place the player in one area of my screen, while I use EverNote and my terminal emulation screens in other areas!

I hope you enjoy this new feature as much as I am!