Tag Archives: cbt

CBT Nuggets Celebrates Veterans with Outside the Wire Program!


Leaving the military at the end of service is the final, and perhaps the biggest journey “outside the wire” that service members will ever take. CBT Nuggets is excited to announce our “Outside the Wire” challenge, which is designed to help recently discharged service members gain the skills and knowledge necessary to train for an in-demand career as an IT professional. Program participants will receive a six month Premium subscription to CBT Nuggets where they will receive personalized accountability coaching services, as well as access to an exclusive online study group tailored to the needs and interests of retired military tech professionals.

Check out all the information here:


The New CBT Nuggets Apple iOS and Android Apps are Here!

I am so incredibly excited to announce that the new apps are here! Download yours today.

You will notice these apps incredibly mirror our full site, both in functionality and in the browsing experience.

These apps represent a new cycle of constant updates and improvements that we will be making consistently moving forward. As more and more of you turn to alternate devices to enjoy your content, you will be receiving the best possible experience.

Thank you so much for your patience, and enjoy the new and improved mobile learning. Oh yeah – and be sure to check out the CCNA Cloud Nuggets I have completed up there! 🙂
