Tag Archives: edge

It is Really Happening – the Edge Chromium Browser!

Edge Chromium

Enjoy this awesome YouTube presentation by Adam and Mike at ITProTV on the subject that so many of us have been curious about. How is Microsoft going to “fix” the Edge browser? The answer might surprise you!

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Wait – Microsoft Has the Fastest Browser?

Microsoft-EdgeSo if you are like me, you have caught the headlines. Some in and around Microsoft are claiming the new browser featured in Windows 10 (code named Spartan, but ultimately named Edge), is the fastest browser on the planet.

Well, I grabbed the latest Windows 10 tech preview, a stopwatch, and my daughter and her friend for a very scientific experiment.

The job of Chrome, Safari, and Edge was to browse to CBT Nuggets, log in, and the play a video from my Storage+ course there. What was the result? Wow – congratulations Microsoft!!!


28 seconds


24 seconds

Microsoft Edge:

18 seconds 

I cannot wait to experiment with the Edge browser more now that Microsoft has my attention. Have feedback on Edge, or anything Windows 10? Please use and abuse the comments section below.