Want to really excel when it comes to earning professional IT certifications? You need to learn to really love the process.
How is this possible? Well, if you follow many of the previous tips in this series, I think you will discover that the cert process really can be an enjoyable process.
For example, I really discover that when I use a tracker, find the study materials that are right for me, and lab things up as I go along, I absolutely LOVE studying for a new certification. I mean, I really LOVE it. It’s one of my favorite things to do in life. Heck, I even enjoy taking exams.
When you finally earn that new certification, do not forget to celebrate the achievement! I have a ritual here. I call Keith Barker and chat about the process, then I go out with my family and celebrate. Since I love chatting with Keith, and celebrating with my family, I try and obtain as many certifications as humanly possible. (Are you looking for ideas in how to celebrate? Check out this recent CBT Nuggets blog post.)
If you aren’t thoroughly enjoying the cert process, then something is wrong. Find out what it is and fix it as soon as possible. For many students, it might be a bit of loneliness. If this is the case for you, seeking out a users group or forum somewhere could help. Or chat with your fellow students in the comments section of courses right here at CBT Nuggets! There usually us a fix for whatever is wrong during your cert journey.
Thank you for reading my “Tips for Cert Success” series. I sincerely hope at least one of my tips made or will make a measurable difference in your IT certification pursuits. Until next time, remember, study with passion!