For those of you in my Saturday evening sessions for the CCNP Enterprise Exam reviews, your PDFs for the full ENCOR practice exam are now uploaded to the class share.
Notice this is one full 102 question practice exam with an answer key. Be sure to save this exam and take it just before you think you are ready to pass the real thing.
Best of luck and enjoy! Remember, the ENARSI practice exam will be ready tomorrow evening shortly after the conclusion of our live events.
David Bombal – Trying to Decide if he Should Grow a Beard or Not
That’s right! I promised them weeks back, but they are finally a reality! Thanks to my joining forces with Network Chuck and David Bombal of, ENCOR practice exams have finally arrived.
Here is what is currently available and what is coming in this Udemy product:
* Practice Exam 1 – this practice test is a complete, 102 question ENCOR exam
* Practice Exam 2 – this practice test is still in progress (there are currently 62 questions available); this practice test will complete development (102 ques) by 9/4/2020
* Super Challenge Practice Exam – this absurdly hard ENCOR practice exam is at 10 questions and will grow over time whenever the trainers at feel like torturing students
If you would like to purchase this product, it is now available:
Personal favor! When you purchase and see its awesomeness, can you please leave a 5 star review on Udemy. I had someone purchase this early release and rate the exams a 1 of 5. They did not understand the exams were still in development. THANKS!