This direct message via my Facebook account is certainly one of the reasons why!
“Hi Anthony,
I just wanted to thank you for the time and effort you put into your A+ course on cbtnuggets. I’ve always been great with computers, building, troubleshooting etc… However, doing well in school especially when it comes to testing was never my strong suit. I was never good at studying effectively and always felt lost and never knew where to start or how to hone in on the parts I needed to focus on.
There were lots of days I dreaded coming home telling my father my grades or how a big test went. It was never that I didn’t try, it’s just the studying/learning process in schools at the time never worked for me. Thus I started college but after one semester it was just the same struggles as high school, so I gave up on perusing a career in my passion. Until I just couldn’t stand doing what I was for a living anymore. I got sick of it and said screw it – I’m going for some certs til I get out of this job. I had tried in the past but I wasn’t looking for a boot camp, or a tech school with 10,000 dollars six-month training programs.
I found your courses, the way they were structured to break it down into manageable chunks, the flashcards! OMG, the flashcards. I have never used a flashcard system for more than 2 min in my life, but the fact that you can choose how often they cycle through for the ones you know vs don’t know was amazing!
Anyway long story short, I could barely even tell my Dad over the phone, due to the fact that I was crying about being able to tell him I did well and that I knew he would be proud of me, and that I not only just passed my 902, I passed with a 91% (824/900).
I’m 35 years old, and I never imagined other than maybe when my wife and I finally decide to have a kid, that I’d by crying conveying the good news to my father or mother.
Thank you so very much,
and I look forward to more certs in the future!”
– Brian L.