Tag Archives: simulation

Layer 2 in Cisco VIRL Being Shown Off in Cisco Live Milan!


I was so thrilled to learn that the Cisco VIRL team is showing off their prototype of IOSvL2 in Cisco Live Milan. While I assumed that Layer 2 capabilities for IOS were indeed coming to the Cisco VIRL product, we all know how dangerous it is to assume things.

The VIRL team is still unwilling to provide a date for the release into our emulators, they are only willing to say “soon”. This is still great news obviously, Follow my blog here and you will be the very first to know. The day it releases, I will of course release training on it here at CBT Nuggets.com. This training will include tips and tricks for VIRL that were not included in my original VIRL course, and it will also feature guidance on using VIRL for CCENT, CCNA, CCNP, and CCIE R&S, as well as some non-R&S tracks as well.

Happy emulating!

MicroNugget: OSPF Simulation 1

In this MicroNugget, CBT Nuggets trainer Anthony Sequeira provides an additional simulation walkthrough for the ICND1/CCENT exam 100-101. Enjoy!

OSPF Complete Implementationicon