“The Best Part Was the Training”
Talk to marathon and half marathon runners and you will often here this phrase. Yes, that’s right – they LOVED training for it. The event itself, well, that might be kind of exciting and incredible as well, but it might not matter as much since you train for months and months and you LOVE doing that. And I suppose that is the first lesson isn’t it. We need to make sure we love the training process. If you are not loving the training, then figure out exactly why you are not and get ready to fix that. I hope these other tips I picked up and learned along the way will help you as well. And of course this goes for whatever goal you are trying to achieve.
Track Your Training
This is one you have probably heard me talk about before. With my classes at CBT Nuggets, I even include trackers for the students to use as they move through the course. For me, tracking became an obsession, and this obsession proved very motivating. Also, in the specific area of distance running it was very necessary since I had to find the perfect pace at which I would have a chance to complete the actual race.
Find a Training Buddy
I would not have succeeded in this endeavor without a training buddy. Someone to push me, hold me accountable, discuss ideas with, etc. By the way, that is my training buddy pictured above! When we started, I was better at running and really enjoyed it much more than her. As you can see from that finish line shot, that all changed!
Add Fun!
When I would run with my buddy, we would chat. And you know me, I love to chat. When running by myself I would add music. I am so busy, there is often never time to check out some latest album. These solo runs, which I might have really disliked, became fun with music added.
Join a Community
OK, I never joined a runner’s community, but I lurked at a bunch of them. Getting questions answered that were crucial for my success.
Don’t Let Jerks Get You Down
If you are into social media, or in a community of people online, you are going to run into jerks and trolls, it just happens. When people are hiding behind a keyboard, they can become pretty callous and mean. To add a problem, many times someone will sound like a jerk when they are actually not trying to act like that. During my training, someone posted on Twitter in response to one of my training posts that included statistics on a run – “You know you are not running right? You are jogging!” While I thought about getting angry about this, I just blew it off.
Get Excited for the Next Goal!
While there was some amount of “thank God that is over!”, after the race I became very excited about the future and more health goals. This thing had kicked weight loss into overdrive. I lost 14 pounds over the course of training and the race. Not bad. Now I can really up fitness goals of the future…
Thanks for reading, and remember, LOVE your training!
Nice write up anthony! As a former triathlete i used to do this as part of my training. Good to know we are on the same page…all the best my friend!
Thanks so much Paul!
You continue being an inspiration! Thank you for sharing this.
You hit the spot there. I was the one who asked you before how can I mix up training for my running and reviewing for my certifications and now you have an article for it. By the way, do you think CCIE review and training for marathons can be done at the same time? i.e. 3x a week review and 3x a week training?
Oh yes. But I will say that for most – 3X per week is a bit light for CCIE training. Most report (as I did), that they up the study to about 6X per week. This of course would depend on how long your study sessions are I suppose.
Anthony, congratulations on completing your first half marathon! You’ve come a long way since Ragnar. Hope you are doing well!
Hi Deb! Thank you so much! Sure do miss you – Facebook me so we can get together soon. Hope all is well! Tell Clint I said hi!
Great article Tony! Very cool the way you were able to tie it together – I remember from “back in the day” what an enthusiastic runner you were.
Hello Bob! So great to see you here – hope all is awesome!
Living the life there Anthony! Love the positive and upbeat attitude. Keep on rockin!
Thanks so much! I just need to figure out how to run without IT Band pain now.
Congrats on your run!
Thank you so much Jane!